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seo directory
anonymous 22-09-2024, 10:36
I always no where don't wanna be, but I don't know where I want to be!
anonymous 26-01-2019, 19:15
Bond of Love and Joy in India
10-09-2018, 14:37
lost in pre energy
jim 22-10-2017, 9:09
Métier d'avenir
20-01-2015, 5:01
Quels sont les metiers d'avenir ?
20-01-2015, 0:17
Trouver un emploi d'avenir
19-01-2015, 0:41
L'emploi d'avenir
18-01-2015, 1:08
L'emploi d'avenir en 2015
16-01-2015, 19:03
Why Folks Love To Sing
15-01-2015, 23:16
An der Theke
anonymous 26-11-2013, 21:00
winning the Tour de France stage tomorrow.
cadel 18-07-2012, 18:46
In Italy. Simple as that.
anonymous 14-07-2012, 16:36
Fortuneomkar 09-06-2012, 21:11
Fortuneomkar 09-06-2012, 21:10
in love
anne 08-04-2012, 9:22
on a silent place to meditate about this question.
marc 09-03-2012, 9:01
nicht hier. *seufz*
anonymous 15-05-2011, 21:08
somewhere in nowhere
anonymous 23-02-2011, 21:56
I have nothing to send to wikileaks. it seams that I live a little utopia.
anonymous 22-12-2010, 10:07
in amazonia
anonymous 21-11-2010, 12:34
nicholai 09-11-2010, 23:26
anonymous 09-11-2010, 23:25
today & tomorrow at the houztekk festival in upper austria!
charlize 16-07-2010, 10:24
@Lilo: I will be your guide
johnny rotten 09-02-2010, 12:05
like the page. can't find a guide or way to Shambhala!?
Lilo 02-02-2010, 13:30
I would like to be an angel in Haiti. Money is not enough.
anne 21-01-2010, 22:55
in a fountain of youth
bg 17-01-2010, 14:00
here, now
anonymous 09-01-2010, 4:07
Eretz Yisrael
ABZB 04-01-2010, 23:22
Right here; because that's where my Sweetheart is.
Blagrrrrrr... 04-01-2010, 3:50
Hunting Vampires with my Jedi powers.
Dracobi Wan 26-12-2009, 6:49
in a train to nowhere
hans 22-12-2009, 19:43
anonymous 20-12-2009, 13:46
in kopenhagen to fight for a change and future
fran 17-12-2009, 12:13
ich würde gerne bei euch im zelt (circus) gewesen sein. wann wieder?
sue 15-12-2009, 12:14
Amdo, in a tent
buttercupchappati 03-11-2009, 2:03
I think I should start a new political party.
johnc 15-10-2009, 15:50
in a stage of total contemplation
michi 09-09-2009, 15:52
wann treten sie wieder auf? dort will und werde ich sein!
carla 01-09-2009, 10:20
im Comicgarten des Epikur, wo humanistische Menschenformungsübungen konkrete Utopien gebären.
George vW 27-08-2009, 22:13
on top of the world!
franky 20-08-2009, 11:16
"shangri la" in switzerland
georg edlinger 18-08-2009, 8:42
at the next performance of "Shangri-La"
moni 17-08-2009, 16:25
schatzi 15-08-2009, 14:32
In the Circus to see your show again and again and again.
karin 14-08-2009, 14:13
tonight at the Circus on The Way To Shambhala
mikec 13-08-2009, 10:11
Tibet, Mont Kailash
anonymous 12-08-2009, 16:33
georg edlinger 11-08-2009, 11:37
a new brake and a spacy car
georg edlinger 10-08-2009, 11:52
In Linz, of course!
Harold Schellinx 10-08-2009, 8:33
Es ist Sonntag. Ich verbrenne die Kronen zeitung und beginne ein neues Leben!
Karl 09-08-2009, 15:00
Mit meiner Frau auf einer schönen Almhütte am Meer
anonymous 09-08-2009, 13:29
Where we are. Heaven on Earth.
ushadrons 07-08-2009, 8:49
vietvet52 07-08-2009, 0:43
I wanna be exactly where I am right now :-)
ritchie 06-08-2009, 23:28
freedom - rhythm - speak without words
georg edlinger 06-08-2009, 22:56
anonymous 06-08-2009, 20:58
I need air, I need a change, but not only in a personal way, I need it social!
frank 06-08-2009, 9:12
in the purse of Mr. Wiedeking (50million € compensation from Porsche). what utopia could I create?
johnc 23-07-2009, 18:14
Exactly where I'm going to be: out filming
Ken 22-07-2009, 22:59
a day in Obamas brain!
mikec 22-07-2009, 19:43
Stuck in an office staring at a computer screen for 8 hours. Oh, wait a minute...
anonymous 22-07-2009, 16:25
in a potato
anonymous 17-07-2009, 19:39
new york
anonymous 16-07-2009, 12:32
anonymous 16-07-2009, 12:01
auf der KAPU bühne
anonymous 16-07-2009, 8:23
anonymous 15-07-2009, 18:20
My utopia is flexible. I'm moving past and forward in time. Going out ca. 1965. Breakfast at 2098.
anonymous 13-07-2009, 9:27
in orbit, no space suit but in comfy forcefield, floating, consuming the void and the splendor
anonymous 11-07-2009, 19:03
it does not matter where you are, as long as you can find a drop of water, you may find your utopia
anonymous 10-07-2009, 14:19
Best place ever will be my home-with my wife and my kids. I just need peace for the world to live in
anonymous 08-07-2009, 16:56
Eternia Beach
anonymous 08-07-2009, 11:54
In an octopus's garden in the shade
anonymous 08-07-2009, 8:23
outta space
anonymous 07-07-2009, 17:21
On a artificial technical autonomous island. 200 nautik miles away from civilization
anonymous 07-07-2009, 15:10
in tibet
anonymous 07-07-2009, 14:07
Dort oben, wo nur mehr der leichte Himmel auf uns liegt, dort oben.
anonymous 07-07-2009, 14:07
anonymous 07-07-2009, 14:05
in a deep medidation. free of stress and focused on my real needs.
anonymous 06-07-2009, 19:00
In Nasca, Peru - walking on lines on the Pampa!
anonymous 02-07-2009, 16:48
in a better state of pysical condition
anonymous 30-06-2009, 16:22
I want to be in bed. I always was an Oblomow. My favorite animal is the Koala bear. But I am human.
anonymous 29-06-2009, 20:33
on my favorite place in Crete near Spili listening to the goats (mainly bells) and smelling herbs.
anonymous 29-06-2009, 18:02
don't try to escape! heaven must be found / build on earth! with joint forces - ubuntu!
anonymous 29-06-2009, 15:11
Somewhere in the desert, maybe Mali, maybe Xinjiang. A place where nothing destracts me.
anonymous 27-06-2009, 13:06
in love with myself
anonymous 27-06-2009, 13:01
Not lost in the web!
anonymous 27-06-2009, 10:37
at this very moment, on the island of st john.
anonymous 27-06-2009, 10:26
The K2 not! But not that far away in Tibet, doing the Kalish kora would be a great enlightment.
anonymous 27-06-2009, 10:16
In Mustang high up in Luri Gompa
anonymous 26-06-2009, 18:15
my mind is still on högbonden - great place with lots of spirit
anonymous 25-06-2009, 13:59
Auf einem Schiff, im Liegestuhl, den Wellen lauschen.
anonymous 24-06-2009, 18:49
Still here, just finally with time and motivation to do the boring part of "saving the world".
anonymous 24-06-2009, 15:18
in the position to send some rain from Austria to the Sahel!
anonymous 24-06-2009, 14:45
IN einer warmen weichen Höhle
anonymous 24-06-2009, 14:31
werde heute in der Kirche St. Theresia sehr schöne nach innen gerichtete Musik spielen.
smilingbuddha 23-06-2009, 16:46
In a car, on the open road. Just driving.
anonymous 15-06-2009, 18:49
I would like to wake up in a place where websites develop themselves. You wake up and they're done.
anonymous 15-06-2009, 14:33
see my parents
anonymous 14-06-2009, 17:49
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